when time flies, some people also flies.. people change.... and this change make me hard to understand them.... or is it they who didn't understand me??
"Elementary School: You get to stay up till 9 and you are sooo cool. Middle School: You go to bed at 9 and you're such a dork. High School: You go to bed at 9 and everyone's jealous"
got this from my friend in her tumblr... and its just cathing my eye... and its true i guess.... hahahhaha
giler berkurun aku xupdate blog nie.... since aku xde idea ape nk dikate kan... n tym aku ade idea, aku xde mood plak nk tulis... lol... well... skang aku tgh cuti... br pas final.. so mmg heaven ngn xyah blaja wat sementara... hahah... sementara je... tp cuti lame2 pn xbesh gak sbb xde ape nk wat sgt tym cuti.. unless byk training rowing, or g mane2... well.. hope from now aku dtg mood blk nk active kn blk blog nie... so, till we meet again... :P